Airport Taxi Acquisition | TYCO US-1 Electric Trucking Slot Cars Discussion Forum Club

Airport Taxi Acquisition

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Oct 23, 2023
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I finally got an Airport Taxi, I didn't think I'd ever find one, let alone for a for a decent price but this one came up for 195 bucks buy it now las Saturday and I leapt upon it. It was on for about five minutes and I wasn't going to think about it and have somebody buy it out from under me. New old stock on the card but it came loose in the package, see that a lot, I think the bubble shrinks and pops them out of the wheel protrusions that hold them in?. I planned on opening it anyways for the price so no large deal, I would have probably paid what I did for a loose used one. They seem to be one of the rarest vehicles, what kid in their right right mind would have bought the thing?, present company excluded. I opened it soon as I got it, orange peel and trash in the paint as usual but not bad, pad printing is pretty straight. I could paint better blindfolded but these things were made on a production line, seen some in pics that are really bad, probably made last shift on on a Friday, lol. . I test painted a new Charger body blue to clone it, want to run one I don't have to worry about and the grandkids could use one or two maybe in different colors.
taxi 2.jpg
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Feb 27, 2023
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Glad you finally scored one! I was in the same boat last year and took months to find one.

Does yours have brown gears?

My Fiancée saw my Airport taxi and said isn't that a Charger? Why did they make a sports car a

I got lucky last August 2023 and Got one for 97.00! The guy started the auction at .99 cents!


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