Complete Shell Wrecker Station for 65.00 shipped! | TYCO US-1 Electric Trucking Slot Cars Discussion Forum Club

Complete Shell Wrecker Station for 65.00 shipped!

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Feb 27, 2023
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Couldn't resist at 60.00 + shipping! They have another one for sale that is missing the fuel pump.

Screenshot 2024-08-05 122354.png
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You can get the 3D printed fuel pump for ten bucks plus shipping.
Did you buy the complete one. Considering the value it adds to a Truck and Firebird that's a deal. I'm watching that Exxon garage, paint it orange with a black roof and trim and turn it into a Smith's Tire store. A working lift inside would be the ginchiest.
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I knew it. :D I bought the other one! The guy wouldn't budge on the price, says he was going to raise the price and remove the buy it now tonight. He says he was afraid it was too cheap, he was right. I also bought a repo fuel pump for $13.86 shipped. It may be sacrileges but I may still turn it into a Smith's Tire store, got the decals, and that little truck would look good parked in there.
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The guy wouldn't budge on the price, says he was going to raise the price and remove the buy it now tonight. He says he was afraid it was too cheap,
I didn't even bother trying to haggle at that price. I have heard the dumbest reasons that people come up with for not listing items as an auction style. They are scared to death someone isn't going to pay when the auction ends. Something like that could be listed with an opening bid of 1.00 and do quite well. No guts, no glory.
Mine finally arrived today! I was worried they had seller's remorse.

Looks practically new! Some sticker peeling, but that is easily resolved with some Elmer's glue and water mix.




Very nice! This is still one of the US1 items I do not have in the collection. Gotta be that the right place at the right time.
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I got mine today and the fuel pump from Pocono plastics. They sent two fuel pumps for some reason.
I bet that guy is kicking himself for selling them so cheap. Thanks again for the heads up on it Mike. I just obtained a wrecker and the firebird body in a lot deal yesterday too, (more on that later
) I bought a couple of the 3D printed disabled car chassis.

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