What are some ideas for storage | TYCO US-1 Electric Trucking Slot Cars Discussion Forum Club

What are some ideas for storage

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike Raffa
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Mike Raffa

Mike Raffa

Jan 15, 2024
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Two of our members shared their ways of storing cabs, trucks, trailers, and cars and are great ideas. But, does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for storing the gray track? I have three sets with original boxes, but I don’t use them as a means of storage because I would have the urge to put everything back that came in these boxes. So, many years ago when I moved I stored everything in the best boxes I was able to find. Now I have everything I use out of these three original set boxes and out of the boxes that were used for the move. Some items, like extra tracks, I left in these original set boxes. I don’t plan on taking down my current layout for awhile, but when I do, I’ll buy a few of those Harbor Freight clear plastic boxes for my vehicles and I’d like a better way of storing all my track, including those longer ones like the hazard track and the long straight track. Looking forward to hearing some ideas/suggestions.
I was thinking of getting the bigger plastic vacuum bags for clothes. put an amount of track in and suck the air out. then they can be stored in boxes air and moisture proof which should stop the rails from corroding. I believe I have seen these for sale at Harbor Freight.
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I keep my track in one of those plastic storage containers with the split lids hinged on the sides. The vehicles I keep in a Sterilite 3 drawer desktop organizer, cut foamboard to fit and then cut slots in it so the vehicles and trailers sit flat. I also use them for my 1/32 cars but cut strips of foamboard to fit between the wheels with slots so the tires sit off the surface and don't get flat spotted. I have most of my US-1 vehicles parked on the layout, I make parking lots with black foamboard and use white car pinstriping tape for lines and borders to look like the auto unloader lot design. I have a gun/pistol case with the bumpy foam lining to transport vehicles, set them in there and close the lid and they're nice and safe. The most important when storing is temperature and humidity, have to keep all of it out of the sun, it discolors building and track faster than anything and doesn't take long. You can store the stuff almost anywhere if you keep the humidity down with a dehumidifier or A/C and don't store it in hot places. I store everything and have my tracks set up in the basement with no air conditioning but keep the dehumidifier going and a room air cleaner keeps the dust down, temp stays about 70 all the time, keep it at 55% humidity in the humid months, goes way down in the winter. The air cleaner is more to keep the dust off the people, have a lot of them on my big track and each one has to be dusted individually, drives me nuts and I usually do more damage than good doing it, LOL.

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