Auction Buy- G.I. Joe Set parts & pieces | TYCO US-1 Electric Trucking Slot Cars Discussion Forum Club

Auction Buy- G.I. Joe Set parts & pieces

  • Thread starter Thread starter biddle
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Feb 27, 2023
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Wasn't really sure what it was worth, and shipping was high, so I offered 45.00 and it was accepted. I think it was all pieces from a G.I. Joe set. What do you think?
It included the rocket launch pad and the dark brown GI Joe crates, so I pulled the trigger.

I like when they have stuff in a plastic bag, a lot of times there are stickers in there.

I'm kinda mixed on this one. Its missing a lot and the rocket is broken. The biggest question for me would be is the switched turnout there in the mix? The G.I. Joe set is very hard to build because of the amount of small pieces. You have a good start there. Those brown crates come up from time to time. They were used in a few different Tyco train sets. I sold an incomplete set year on Ebay.

The cool thing about this small set was the switched turnout. You could turn it off and run the trucks the same direction like a race set. Pretend you were Cobra chasing G.I. Joe.
The biggest question for me would be is the switched turnout there in the mix?
Definately not trying to make a set. I've not seen a switch turnout sell before, i wonder what those are worth? Probably same as a double turnout?
The value should be high. The switched turnout was only used in 2 sets that I know of. One was the G.I. set and the other was a catalog set that had 3 turnouts, I don't remember the name of it.

GI Joe accessories Auction Alert
It has two turnouts, hope the buried one is switched! I'm always amazed how lazy sellers are on ebay. That's how I got a Motor City & Highway Wrecker set for 400.00 a while back from a junk removal guy in WV. They are just trying to move stuff quick.

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Its a very good chance you have a complete set of track there. I see two cross overs in that mix as well. The green set of controllers are hard to come by as well. I actually snagged a set last year for 9.99 what a score!
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The B3030 Turnout track was not in there, two generic turn outs and also only one cross over track.

Returned it to seller.
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Good call to return it. There is always other listings if you keep looking.
The seller accepted the return, and 2 days after receiving the return tried to file a case with eBay. (They have three days to issue the return). SMH. Ebay automatically ruled in my favor. Not sure why sellers do stuff like this, I had no intention on even leaving feedback, now they have a negative one! I haven't left negative feedback in over 10 years.

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